Privacy Policy

    1. General #

    1. This document is not intended to be an all encompassing legal document, however this document sets out the basic policies used to store and process data, as well as provide transparency for data that is stored and the procedures to appropriately remove data.
    2. All services are operated from within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and all data stored is subject to and in accordance to such laws and regulations.
    3. By using the website you automatically agree to these conditions, additionally you must agree to these conditions to be a member of Armco’s 4th Battalion

    2. Purpose of data storage #

    1. Allow for effective administration of armco arma 3’s functions to schedule, run and credit events.
    2. Allow for the operation of armco arma 3’s website
    3. Ensure all data is kept up to date and accurate
    4. Allow for users to directly view user data

    3. Collection of Data #

    1. Data is added on through various ways:
      1. When you initially register through discord we collect some basic information
      2. When you connect your account to various third party services
      3. When you manually submit new information to the website
      4. When a command member manually modifies data
        1. This also includes members of the Training Officer Team or Squad Leaders who also have limited ability to edit some data relevant to their roles
      5. Automated processes and scripts which maintain data validity

    4. Data Processors #

    1. The following will handle or interact with your data at some point during your time with the unit:
    2. Servers: Digital Ocean
    3. Connections: Discord, Steam, Twitch

    5. Personal data being processed #

    1. Upon login to armco arma we will store the following personal data:
      1. discord username and ID
      2. discord avatar link
      3. IANA timezone code
    2. Upon registration to armco arma we will store the following personal data:
      1. DOB for age verification purposes
      2. Application, registration, resigning and deletion dates
      3. Information on warnings and strikes in regards to conduct during your time with the unit
      4. Time and duration spent connected to armco arma 3 game servers
      5. SteamID account connected
      6. IP Address used to connect to and all sub domains
    3. What data we do not hold:
      1. Full names
      2. Physical Addresses
      3. Email Addresses
      4. Phone Numbers
      5. With the exception of age as it is necessary for verification, any information pertaining to protected characteristics as defined in the United Kingdom Equality Act 2010:
        1. disability
        2. gender reassignment
        3. marriage and civil partnership
        4. pregnancy and maternity
        5. race
        6. religion or belief
        7. sex
        8. sexual orientation
      6. Any other personally identifiable information

    6. Cookies Policy #

    1. Tracking cookies are not used anywhere on armco arma services or any of its subdomains.
    2. Only cookies used are essential cookies for authentication and preference storage.

    7. Access to data #

    1. Most data is publicly accessible such as:
      1. Username
      2. Steam Account
      3. Discord Account
      4. Twitch Account (If Linked to website)
      5. Date you joined the unit
      6. Last time you attended an event
      7. Points
      8. Rank
      9. Awards
      10. Awarded Trainings
      11. Squad
      12. Role
      13. Commendations
      14. Inactivity
      15. Service Number
    2. Private data is only accessible by command members and can only be shared outside of command with permission of the user except to other trusted members of the unit such as Squad Leaders and Training officers, examples of restricted data incluide:
      1. Date of birth
      2. Warnings and strikes
      3. Applications
      4. LOA Requests
      5. Squad Change Requests
      6. Award Requests

    8. Retention of data #

    1. We will remove the data of players who do not attend operations, the period for this is 6 months except where exceptions apply, after this period all data is removed aside from discordID (this record is essential as without it the website may not work correctly.)
      1. Exceptions include the following:
        1. An LOA (Leave of Absence) has been made and it has not been 6 months since the LOA expired
        2. User is marked as a reservist and is indefinitely exempt from inactivity requirements and data removal unless requested otherwise.
    2. Data removed
      1. When removing data we will remove as much as is possible without compromising the function of the website
    3. Manual removal of data
      1. Should you wish to leave the unit of your own accord you can message @addy0997 via discord to request that your data is removed.
        1. This must be done via the same discord account that is owner of that website account.

    9. Additional Information #

    1. Any information not confirmed in this document can be requested via @addy0997 on discord.
    2. Additionally, data protection requests can be made by contacting @addy0997 via discord.

Last Updated: 2nd April 2024